Export Control Compliance Statement

One of the basic policies of Shanghai TOSUN Technology Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "TOSUN") is to comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations, including China, the United States, the European Union, etc., and to effectively fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of the export control and establish the company's international image as a good faith operation and a responsible company, so as to win the trust of customers, suppliers and business partners. . TOSUN firmly believes that complying with applicable export control laws and regulations can enable the company to effectively prevent trade compliance risks, enhance the company's competitiveness in the international market, and provide an effective guarantee for TOSUN's sustainable development.

The Company's management attaches great importance to export control and economic sanctions compliance and is committed to continuously coordinating and dedicating sufficient resources to ensure that the Company's external business activities are conducted in compliance with the export control and economic sanctions laws, regulations and policies of the countries and regions where they are required to be applied.

In order to ensure compliance with applicable export control laws and relevant sanction regulations, TOSUN carries out verification and screening of transaction subjects involved in the course of business operation, including but not limited to customers, suppliers and other business partners, etc.; TOSUN carries out export control classification of products and technologies, and obtains export control licenses when necessary; TOSUN also establishes and maintains close contact with governmental trade compliance authorities, relevant non-governmental organizations, and experts in export control law and compliance to seek timely information on relevant policies and seek professional guidance. We also establish and maintain close contact with governmental trade compliance authorities, relevant non-governmental organizations, export control law and compliance experts to keep abreast of relevant policy information and seek professional guidance.

The implementation of export control and economic sanctions compliance work also relies on the participation of all business partners, and the company hopes that all business partners are fully aware of this and support and understanding. The Company encourages its customers, suppliers and other business partners to comply with export control and economic sanctions laws and regulations, and will include compliance requirements in agreements with business partners. The management of the Company is fully responsible for finalizing the policies, systems, organization and processes of the Company's trade compliance and customs compliance system, and for approving or making decisions on major trade compliance and customs compliance matters and solutions; to ensure the implementation of trade compliance requirements, TOSUN clarifies the responsibilities of each business area, formulates and releases relevant guiding documents, establishes a sound mechanism for document retention, strengthens the knowledge and skills of export control of its employees and managers, and conducts regular training on trade compliance and economic sanctions. In order to ensure the implementation of trade compliance requirements, TOSUN clearly defines the responsibilities of each business area, formulates and issues relevant guidance documents, improves the document keeping mechanism, strengthens the training of employees and managers on export control knowledge and skills, and carries out internal evaluation of the trade compliance system regularly.

TOSUN requires all employees to make efforts for the company to realize the goal of trade compliance and implement the relevant company policies. The company has set up a reward and punishment system for this purpose, rewarding employees who actively participate in export control work and notifying and penalizing employees who violate the company's export control policy. Employees who do not comply with applicable laws and regulations will be held legally responsible in accordance with the law.

This statement applies to all departments, branches and subsidiaries of Shanghai TOSUN Technology Ltd.

TOSUN will routinely review this statement and revise it according to relevant laws and regulations. If all employees or business partners of the company have any questions about compliance with export control and economic sanctions in relation to business cooperation, commercial transactions and other activities, or if they have any valuable comments, please feel free to contact us!rong.zhou@tosunai.cn.

Shanghai TOSUN Technology Ltd.

May 15, 2024