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Exhibition News | TOSUN will appear in the second automotive chip industry conference in 2023, China automotive and parts to go overseas summit forum

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On February 21-24, 2023, the 2nd Automotive Chip Industry Conference and China Automotive and Components Overseas Summit Forum will be held in Shanghai. Now China's automobile production and sales volume has occupied one-third of the world, China's automobile "breaking the waves of the sea at the right time", the development of independent brands overseas is experiencing an important transition from quantitative to qualitative change. TOSUN Technology will uphold the vision of "Engineer Everything! With the vision of "Engineer Everything! Solve all engineering problems!", TOSUN will bring its core product TSMaster and self-developed hardware products to debut on the exhibition site with the strength of domestic "smart" manufacturing.

2023 The 2nd Automotive Chip Industry Conference

Time: February 21-22, 2023
Venue: Ruili Hotel, Shanghai International Automobile City

The 2nd Automotive Chip Industry Conference 2023, organized by Gaijin Automotive, will focus on the automotive chip industry, focusing on automotive chip standards and safety certification, automotive MCUs, automotive enterprises' "core", autonomous driving chips, high-calculation power intelligent cockpit SoCs, automotive power semiconductors, SiC power devices and other hot topics to carry out in-depth discussions and exchanges. Discussions and exchanges are aimed at focusing on core technologies, strengthening the technological enhancement of China's automotive chip industry chain in design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, tool chain, key materials, core equipment, etc. through technical exchanges, and accelerating the localization of automotive-grade chip substitution. The automatic code generation function of TSMaster software of TOSUN Technology has also been recognized by major chip manufacturers, and TOSUN will continue to expand the strategic cooperation with chip manufacturers to drive the efficiency of the whole industrial chain.

2023 China Automotive and Components Overseas Summit Forum

Time: February 23-24, 2023
Venue: Ruili Hotel, Shanghai International Automobile City

Gaijin Automotive 2023 China Automotive and Components Going Overseas Summit Forum will focus on China's automotive industry export market outlook, interpretation of automotive access policies and compliance in overseas markets, exploration of China's automotive parts globalization path, OTA, ADAS technology, overseas digital factories, and other hot topics, inviting a number of experts from well-known companies to discuss, providing new ideas for enterprises to tap into the new business model and economic growth points. Together with Star Intelligence, the company is currently in the domestic automotive industry. TOSUN Technology has already achieved the first user volume among the bus tool chain manufacturers in the domestic automotive industry, and this exhibition will bring its core products to the overseas market.


Founded in 2017, Tongxing Intelligence is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the tool chain of domestically produced autonomous and controllable automotive buses, and a domestically produced leader in this field.

The company launched TSMaster software and supporting hardware equipment, with embedded code generation, automotive bus analysis, simulation, diagnosis, testing, calibration and other core functions, covering the whole process of automotive vehicle and component development, testing, production, testing, after-sales. There are more than 3,000 users worldwide, covering automotive OEMs, component suppliers, chip manufacturers, equipment/service providers, engineering machinery, aerospace, naval and military industries, etc.

Headquartered in National Science and Technology Park of Tongji University, Jiading District, Shanghai, with additional branches in Guangzhou, Beijing, Changchun, Chengdu, Taipei and Stuttgart.

Star Products

Product Description I:

The core product software, TSMaster, features embedded code generation, automotive bus analysis, record and playback, simulation, graphic curves/panels, C scripts, UDS diagnostics, testing, CCP/XCP calibration, and more.

Product Description II:

Automotive bus hardware tools are available with PC interfaces such as CAN/CAN FD/LIN/Flexray/Automotive Ethernet to USB and Ethernet, as well as offline data loggers.
